Woody Guthrie's Signature
Next time your walking along Broadway in Okemah, Oklahoma, you may want to take a moment and look down at a piece of history. Just two or three blocks east of the Woody Guthrie Memorial Park, on the south side of Broadway, near the wall of an existing building, you can just make out the signature of Woody Guthrie. According to J D Cosby, guide for the Okemah Historical Society, this rough signature was made prior to Guthries departure from Okemah the first time, pre 1930. Bricks were placed around it at some point to offer a bit of protection from pedestrian traffic, it is worn, but just like Guthries music, the impression still abides.
Drop in the Okemah Historical Society from 8-noon M-F, for a tour of some of the fascinating historical sites in Okemah Downtown.